I received a care package of heritage vegetable seeds, 21 packets, last week. I want to post a public thank you for this generosity and it has taken me this long to be able to express what this kindness really means to me. The seeds were obviously specially picked out to suit my climate, even an oriental vegetable for fall planting. The seed name, seed seller and days to maturity were clearly written on the tiny kraft envelopes. How did she know my distaste for plastic and my belief that seeds need a breathable container for storage? There is more seed in each envelope than I got in any envelope I have purchased in the last 5 years. They are rare and wonderful varieties which get my dopamine going in fantastic anticipation of the food they will produce. They are seeds for plants that I can save the seed from, to have for all time. I really believe everything I grow or can save seed from will be a survival inheritance for those who come after me. Did I mention 21 packets?! Not a small expense for me. More people are eating from my garden this year than ever before, we will not be short of food.
Who is this wonderful gift to me? Kelli at How My Garden Grows Go check her blog out. She can do magic with plants, just look at how much food she produces in her front yard garden. I know some of this magic was shipped with my seeds. She is studying to be a master gardener and her posts are interesting and full of new ideas about modern gardening. Last fall she did a comparison taste test with her heirloom tomatoes. And wouldn't you know it she sent me seeds for both the best tasting varieties. She knows I grow hot peppers in my house and she sent me seeds for miniature sweet peppers so I can have them all winter too.
I have had very bad luck buying good seed, wasting a lot of time and money. A stranger's kindness can reach across the continent to be an answer to my prayers. As much as I love the seeds it is the personalized gesture of compassion, so rare in my world, that makes my heart swell the most. Thank you.