December 30, 2014

Quilt of Healing

I closed this blog, as it was always my intention, to keep my privacy and security.  Little did I realize the number of people who visit here daily nor the flurry of email I was to get in protest.  When I started homesteading, almost 2 decades ago, not many people were doing it.  This blog was to convince people that this is the best way to help yourself, your family, your community, and contribute to the mending of the planet.

I am going to begin posting again to honor the next generation of homesteaders who don't need convincing.  They are smart and determined willing and ready to work together as we network a quilt of healing across our earth,  They have taught me this is not a time to hide, it is a time to fight.  I feel so blessed to have my heart be connected to yours.

January 13, 2014

Farmers Wanted - No Experience Necessary

Farmers Wanted

Apply via e-mail to In your letter, include who you are and what you want for the future, your skills and limitations and what you require in exchange for your services.

On our farm, daily chores could include:
woodworking, carpentry, masonry work,
small engine and automotive mechanics, welding,
taking care of sick and baby animals,

feeding/watering/moving animals (rabbits, goats,
turkeys, chickens, pigs, worms), collecting eggs, goat
milking and help with kidding, hunting, fishing,
harvesting/preserving herbs/mushrooms, fruits and
vegetables, cooking/baking, cleaning, cutting
firewood, selective logging, planting/watering crops,
butchering/cutting/wrapping, smoking meat and sausage
making, collecting/spreading fertilizer,
working with
 leather, running a chipper,
starting seeds/propagating, making wine/cheese/tofu,
setting up hydro-power for farm, irrigation projects,
fencing, predator patrol, tree
 pruning/grafting, beekeeping, weed pulling, value-added processing, and selling to customers.