December 01, 2009

Organic Farm For Sale

Life through the cracks is living in stewardship with the land. If you are wondering what you can do to gain security in these uncertain times ahead, then please consider buying land. In my book I go into detail about finding a great homestead property. Two people can only really work 2 to 4 acres of land. We can strive for self sufficiency but the we really have to work with others to have a well rounded experience. This is the last week my new book will be listed as a free download, please take advantage and read it for yourself.

I saw this real estate listing in my province, and to Kris and everyone else looking for the ideal place, this sure could be close. It is way out of the price range for most, and living on an island has its own pitfalls, but reflects what can be done and how valuable growing food has become. Hope this link works. This property commands such a high price because of its proximity to a city. There are thousands similar properties dotting the continent, you just have to search out the one which is right for you.


  1. You are totally right about how much land a couple of people can handle. I have 80 acres, but I lease all but a couple of acres to a really good farmer. I am a good GARDENER, and chicken raiser, but could never make it as a farmer. For one thing, it takes some big equipment to keep up with a lot of acres. It's just so rewarding, though, living on your own land. I don't know how people exist without that connection.

  2. Sounds like you have a perfect balance there, you are so right about how rewarding it is to live from your own land - well said - not just the monetary sustenance, but the spiritual ephemeral too - peace for all

  3. Thanks for thinking of us Ruth-keeping the options open!

  4. I would so like a proper small holding rather than just one rented field.....(with no proper outbuildings)
    but property prices here are so over-the-top!

    hey ho!!!

  5. Property is expensive in Wales? Could you give us some examples. There is still good land here for sale, the price is lower the longer the winter - peace for all

  6. that is to say the further north, with the shorter growing season, land prices are lower - peace

  7. our two bedroom cottage with no garden ( until i made one) 164 thou!!!!

  8. that must be euros, double the prices here i fear, peace

  9. The price doesn't reflect "how valuable growing food has become" as farmers/gardeners aren't paid more for their products than in previous years while property values have risen substantially.

    Rather it reflects property values close to large cities (gov't jobs, schools, etc).

  10. You are of course very correct. But ironically I am correct in my beliefs too. It is criminal how our country treats the small farmer. Thanks for your visit.

  11. "Cheap" is a relative term and different for everyone. Most people cannot afford cheap land without working somewhere, even part time.

    "Cheap" to me is under $30,000 for an acre or two with cabin/cottage. This can still be had in the eastern Canadian provinces but the properties are isolated and there is truly no place to work. You would truly have to be self sufficent and self employed without a physical market nearby.

  12. Soon we will all have to work together on what land is left! Thanks for your imput Sheryl, peace
