March 16, 2010

Gardening by the Moon - New Moon Phase

We are now experiencing a new moon. It is the week after the week without a moon and it happens every month. This is the best time to plant annual flower seeds. It is the best time to plant annual vegetables like lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower in seeding trays. And the best time to plant seed crops like millet, sunflowers and oats.

The new moon this month is from March 15 until March 22. The plants listed above must be planted before this date so they can mature properly. Here is a general tutorial for starting seeds at home:


  1. Thanks for the reminder - I had "sow annual flowers" on my garden calendar for this week and didn't know why, so I shrugged and did it yesterday - that must be why! I have been intermittently reading on moon phase gardening, but as of yet haven't been completely "schooled up" on it, LOL!

  2. It is warm and wonderful here finally! We are busy ,busy with garden and out door chores!

  3. I think for too long we (the people;) have been too dummied down in traditional school soaking up textbook knowledge that a whole unspoken/unheard of hands on knowledge has escaped the populace! A few years back I remember 'hearing' about moon phases and planting schedules ... but without someone leading the way it just didn't make sense. Thanks for the informative post. I'll be back to watch the video. Hugs,

  4. Excellent! I too garden with the moon. If it can pull the ocean around, (i.e: tides), then it can surely influence how plants grow too. Happy Gardening!

  5. I will try to keep this up for all the moon phases. With this unpredictable weather it is a no brainer this year. Glad to see you ladies don't see this as some mumbo jumbo, it really makes deciding when to plan so easy. Peace
