November 19, 2009

35% off Sale

Christmas is less than 6 weeks away. In this regard, and to celebrate my brimming happiness, the inventory in my e-store will be 35% off, giving my labor for free. Now would be the perfect time to order a piece of jewellery as a gift for your loved one, since it will still arrive before the big day. I am offering this for my blog friends only, so let me know when you order.


  1. Nice idea, but alas, we are just keeping our heads above water already. But for future reference, do you send out as far as Italy?

  2. Oh, and the $s, are they Canadian Dollars? How much is one of those worth?

  3. o my traveelled friend, don't you know that money is worthless ;)
    sure i would mail to Italy, and a euro buys more than a dollar, but i totally would rather see your head above water
    glad to see you home again, hope you are are the mend and everything is going your way! peace

  4. I love the snowflake necklace, but I have the same question (are the dollars Canadian)? Also any chance you can make a set of three necklaces with snowflakes (for my daughters and I) and what would that run us? Love your blog, am following you, and hope to one day come see this farm in person.

  5. i am sorry, it is a one of a kind piece - lovely and shimmery - do you have jewellery cases or displays for sale? peace
